Poštovani kupci,
Zbog povećanog obima narudžbina tokom praznične sezone, može se desiti da isporuka vaše porudžbine kasni u odnosu na prvobitno planirano vreme.
Molimo vas za razumevanje i strpljenje, a mi ćemo se potruditi da svaka porudžbina bude isporučena u najkraćem mogućem roku.
Hvala vam na poverenju,
The Manual Co.
The Manual Co. Cigar Case is a hand-made cigar case, made of naturally tanned premium quality calf leather. This case guarantees the most reliable and the best taste of your cigar, without receiving unnecessary odors from the ambience. Traditional methods of modeling are performed in specially made wooden molds. In the case, the only odor that prevails is the scent of your cigar. One or more your favorite cigars can be placed in the case.The package is made of recycled cardboard, 2mm thick and lined with kraft paper which provides extra strength and a pleasant natural color.
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