Poštovani kupci,
Zbog povećanog obima narudžbina tokom praznične sezone, može se desiti da isporuka vaše porudžbine kasni u odnosu na prvobitno planirano vreme.
Molimo vas za razumevanje i strpljenje, a mi ćemo se potruditi da svaka porudžbina bude isporučena u najkraćem mogućem roku.
Hvala vam na poverenju,
The Manual Co.
This time as always, The Manual Co. showed indisputable skill and precision in hand-making miniatures from leather with traditional techniques of the old crafts. Manual key chains in various shapes and colors are irresistible leather accessories that, in addition to their originality and superior aesthetics, also have exceptional functionality, thus minimizing the loss of keys. A charming gift that will delight everyone.
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